Adress and contact:
Merkurstraße 47
28197 Bremen
Postfach 10 38 49 28038 Bremen
Managing Directors:
Christian Siebrecht, Albert Lamotte
Telephone: +49 421 5239-480
Telefax: +49 421 5239-48199
Registered in the commercial register of Bremen HRB 23577 HB
VAT No. DE249696851
Issued by: Henry Lamotte Services GmbH, Bremen
Responsible for editorial contents according §18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Managinv Director Christian Siebrecht, Albert Lamotte c/o Henry Lamotte Services GmbH, Merkurstrasse 47, 28197 Bremen
The internet pages of Henry Lamotte Oils GmbH contain links to pages of business partners and organisations. For the content of those pages, Henry Lamotte Oils GmbH takes no responsibility whatsoever. Moreover, we have no knowlede of information contained in other internet sites and take no responsibility whatsoever for such information.
This site uses images from Adobe Stock and
An overview of the copyright holders can be found here.
Data Protection Officer
Should you need any information or have any suggestions regarding our data protection and privacy policies, please do not hesitate to contact our internal Data Protection Officer:
Dr. Uwe Schläger
datenschutz nord GmbH
E-Mail: office(at)
Telephone: 0421 69 66 32 0
April 2023